Happy Holidays,

from SOS Great Lakes!

A new year upon us, and so is a new decade. We want to make the 2020s a decade of positive change for the environment.

The world faces a climate emergency. Every day humans create more and more pollution, adding to the ever increasing amount of plastic in the oceans, CO2 in the atmosphere, and of course, the growing inventory of nuclear waste.

There isn't an easy cure-all solution to the climate crisis. It is an issue of enormous scale and complexity. Solving this problem will require many solutions working together, and will need the cooperation of individuals, corporations, governments, and nations. It is a trial for humanity, an incredible challenge, but one which we can overcome if we work together.

We, SOS Great Lakes, are committed to doing our part in helping solve the climate crisis. To support us, we ask you to match our commitment, and to do your part.

  1. Be loud. Talk to your friends, spread the word on social media, make sure that others know you care about this issue.
  2. Use your vote to tell politicians that the environment is a priority.
  3. Reduce your waste however you can. Lower your consumption of single-use plastics or other unnecessary waste. Re-use things instead of throwing them out. Take the time to recycle or compost waste whenever possible.
  4. Support businesses which care about the environment! Vote with your wallet, and help to make corporations environmentally responsible.

We appreciate your help and support. From all of us at SOS Great Lakes, we wish you a wonderful holiday season, and would like to send our best wishes for the new year!