1. What is SOS Great Lakes?
The better question is, who are SOS Great Lakes? We are a coalition of Great Lakes region residents fighting Ontario Power Generation's (OPG) plan to bury nuclear waste on the shore of Lake Huron. We are registered as a non- profit corporation in Ontario. We welcome new members and volunteers.
SOS Great Lakes was originally established as Save Our Saugeen Shores, Inc, in February of 2012. We organized as we learned of Saugeen Shores plan to enter into the Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s (NWMO) site selection process to find a host community for all of Canada’s current and future highly radioactive used nuclear fuel. Separately, OPG has been planning to build a deep geologic repository (DGR) for low and intermediate level nuclear waste next to the Bruce Power Plant in Kincardine, Ontario, close to the shores of Lake Huron, in the Great Lakes Basin[1]. This project, if approved, could begin before 2020.
We believe that there should not be a DGR for nuclear waste anywhere in the Great Lakes Basin due to the potential for radioactive contamination of the Great Lakes, the world’s largest source of fresh water and a source of drinking water for 40 million people[2]. Most international experts agree that radioactive waste is best stored far from people, animals and water sources[3].
To read the rest of our FAQs click here.
Ontario Power Generation (OPG). 2011. OPG’s Deep Geologic Repository Project For Low & Intermediate Level Waste (Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1: Main Report). Retrieved from: https://archive.opg.com/pdf_archive/Deep Geologic Repository Documents/DGR Submission Documents/D149_01.Environmental-Impact-Statement-(Volume-1).pdf
Environment Canada and United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2011. State of the Great Lakes 2011 [online]. Retrieved from: https://binational.net//wp-content/uploads/2014/11/sogl-2011-technical-report-en.pdf
Feiveson, H., Mian, Z., Ramana, V., and von Hippel, Frank. 2011. Managing nuclear spent fuel: policy lessons from a 10-country study [online]. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Retrieved from: http://thebulletin.org/managing-nuclear-spent-fuel-policy-lessons-10-country-study